#See also

De Sitter spaceEkpyrotic universe − a string-theory-related model depicting a five-dimensionalmembrane-shaped universe; an alternative to the Hot Big Bang Model, whereby the universe is described to have originated when two membranes collided at the fifth dimensionExtra dimensions in string theory for 6 or 7 extra space-like dimensions all with a compact topologyHistory of the center of the UniverseHolographic principleList of cosmology paradoxesTheorema Egregium − The "remarkable theorem" discovered by Gauss, which showed there is an intrinsic notion of curvature for surfaces. This is used by Riemann to generalize the (intrinsic) notion of curvature to higher-dimensional spacesThree-torus model of the universeZero-energy universe – hypothesis that the total amount of energy in the universe is exactly zero


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