Goldilocks Zone (part-2)

Is presence in Goldilocks belt enough for having life on a planet?

No, besides distance from the sun, if the atmospheric condition of the planet is accurate to form and sustain water to its surface, can only have the possibility of life. For instance, like Earth and Mars, Venus too considered in the habitable zone of the sun, but life chosen the earth only. Why?

NASA's Mars rover mission evidences the ancient bacterial life on mars. Later, due to the thin atmospheric layer it was not able to sustain water to its surface.

On the other hand, Venus is too hot to origin the life. Its atmosphere consist a very thick layer of carbon dioxide. It absorbs sun energy and restricts revert it back, thus create a non habitable furnace.  

Bottlenecks for origin of life in the Goldilocks zoned planets:

Billions planets in such zones in the universe orbit around different stars. For instance, NASA claims its recently discovered TRAPPIST-1 planetary system have perfect chances of alien life, but still there can be some unavoidable conditions that refrain life on such planets. Some of the hurdles are:

1) Atmospheric pressure and the green house environment matters a lot for the origin and sustaining the life on a planet. 

2) Inappropriate surface temperature:

Star and planet formation is a very long and continue billions years process. In case of a newly born planetary system, even after being a member of such zone, the surface of the planets can still be too hot for having greenhouse environment. 

3) Stars’ huge energy flairs and absent or low magnetic field of the planet: The big and bright stars erupt huge mass and energy flairs time to time. These dangerous electromagnetic energies and the heat refrains life possibility for these zoned planets. Our sun too emits such harmful solar storms at the different intervals. But the strong magnetic field around the earth repels it beyond far outer edges of the north and south poles.

4) Threats of celestial object:

The impacts of wandering celestial objects - comet, meteors, etc. to the moving planets are the proven examples of external threats of life. Earth too faced such impacts in the past. One of such ancient aged meteor wiped out the dinosaur kingdom, and carried ice age to the earth. The moon also expected to be formed after one of such great external impacts to the earth.

Also read: Soft landing of ESA Rosetta spacecraft on 67P comet

What are the Goldilocks conditions?

To support the extraterrestrial life, the scientists suggest a planet just to be located in habitable zone, but also have a set of atmospheric conditions. These Goldilocks conditions include appropriate temperature range, abundant amount of gases in the surrounding atmosphere, as well as presence of water on the planet under the domain.


Despite above bottleneck reasons for the life formation beyond the Goldilocks zone, still few researchers impart promising evidences for the life under very worst environments on earth that ironically prove the life possibility, even beyond such zones. 

In my next post, I will take you far beyond Pluto to prove the life possibility, even in the extreme locations in the universe. Till then stay tuned.


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