A more detailed summary

Further information: Timeline of cosmological epochsTimeline of natural historyGeologic time scaleTimeline of the evolutionary history of life, and Timeline of the far future

Further information: Graphical timeline of the universeGraphical timeline of the Big BangGraphical timeline from Big Bang to Heat Death, and Graphical timeline of the Stelliferous Era

Earliest stages of chronology shown below (before neutrino decoupling) are an active area of research and based on ideas which are still speculative and subject to modification as scientific knowledge improves.

"Time" column is based on extrapolation of observed metric expansion of spaceback in the past. For the earliest stages of chronology this extrapolation may be invalid. To give one example, eternal inflation theories propose that inflation lasts forever throughout most of the universe, making the notion of "N seconds since Big Bang" ill-defined.

The radiation temperature refers to the cosmic background radiation and is given by 2.725·(1+z), where z is the redshift.


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