History Begin in Earth

History Begin

Date /time. kyaEvent

31 Dec, 23:59:3312.0End of the Ice Age

31 Dec, 23:59:418.3Flooding of Doggerland

31 Dec, 23:59:466.0Chalcolithic

31 Dec, 23:59:475.5Early Bronze AgeProto-writing; Building of Stonehenge Cursus

31 Dec, 23:59:485.0First Dynasty of EgyptEarly Dynastic Period in Sumer, Beginning of Indus Valley Civilisation

31 Dec, 23:59:494.5AlphabetAkkadian EmpireWheel

31 Dec, 23:59:514.0Code of HammurabiMiddle Kingdom of Egypt

31 Dec, 23:59:523.5Late Bronze Age to Early Iron AgeMinoan eruption

31 Dec, 23:59:533.0Iron Age; Beginning of Classical Antiquity

31 Dec, 23:59:542.5BuddhaMahaviraZoroasterConfuciusQin DynastyClassical GreeceAshokan EmpireVedasCompletedEuclideangeometryArchimedeanPhysicsRoman Republic

31 Dec, 23:59:552.0Ptolemaic astronomy, Roman EmpireChrist, Invention of Numeral 0Gupta Empire

31 Dec, 23:59:561.5MuhammadMaya civilizationSong Dynasty, Rise of Byzantine Empire

31 Dec, 23:59:581.0Mongol EmpireMaratha EmpireCrusadesChristopher Columbus Voyages to the Americas, Renaissance in Europe, Classical Music to the Time of Johann Sebastian Bach


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