Evolution of life on earth

Evolution of life on Earth

Date.   Gya.   Event. 

14 Sep4.1First known "remains of biotic life" found in 4.1 billion-year-old rocks in Western Australia.[5][6]

21 Sep3.8First Life(Prokaryotes)[7][8][9]

30 Sep3.4Photosynthesis

29 Oct2.4Oxygenation of Atmosphere

9 Nov2Complex Cells (Eukaryotes)

5 Dec0.8First Multicellular Life[10]7 Dec0.67Simple Animals

14 Dec0.55Arthropods (ancestors of insects, arachnids) 

17 Dec0.5Fish and Proto-amphibians

20 Dec0.45Land Plants

21 Dec0.4Insects and Seeds

22 Dec0.36Amphibians

23 Dec0.3Reptiles

24 Dec0.25Permian-Triassic Extinction Event, 90% of Species Die Out

25 Dec0.23Dinosaurs

26 Dec0.2Mammals

27 Dec0.15Birds

28 Dec0.13Flowers

30 Dec, 06:240.065Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, Non-avian Dinosaurs Die Out[11]


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