
Showing posts from September, 2018

Evaluationary point

Human evaluation is a very evaluationary point of (( HOW THE LIFE BEGIN))

Human evolution

Human evolution Date /time.  mya .  Event 30 Dec65 Primates 31 Dec, 06:0515 Apes 31 Dec, 14:2412.3 Hominids 31 Dec, 22:242.5 Primitive Humans and   Stone Tools 31 Dec, 23:440.4 Domestication of Fire 31 Dec, 23:520.2 Anatomically Modern Humans 31 Dec, 23:550.11 Beginning of Most Recent Glacial Period 31 Dec, 23:580.035 Sculpture and Painting 31 Dec, 23:59:320.012 Agriculture

Evolution of life on earth

Evolution of life on Earth Date.    Gya .    Event.  14 Sep4.1First known "remains of  biotic life " found in 4.1 billion-year-old rocks in  Western Australia . [5] [6] 21 Sep3.8 First Life ( Prokaryotes ) [7] [8] [9] 30 Sep3.4 Photosynthesis 29 Oct2.4 Oxygenation of Atmosphere 9 Nov2Complex Cells ( Eukaryotes ) 5 Dec0.8 First Multicellular Life [10] 7 Dec0.67Simple  Animals 14 Dec0.55 Arthropods  (ancestors of insects, arachnids)  17 Dec0.5 Fish  and Proto-amphibians 20 Dec0.45 Land Plants 21 Dec0.4 Insects  and  Seeds 22 Dec0.36 Amphibians 23 Dec0.3 Reptiles 24 Dec0.25 Permian-Triassic Extinction Event , 90% of Species Die Out 2 5 Dec0.23 Dinosaurs 26 Dec0.2 Mammals 27 Dec0.15 Birds 28 Dec0.13 Flowers 30 Dec, 06:240.065 Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event , Non-avian Dinosaurs Die Out [11]

The Cosmic Year

The Cosmic Year— —————————— The Cosmic Calendar shows the time-scale relationship of the universe and all events on Earth as plotted along a single 12-month, 365-day, year: Cosmology ———————— DateGyaEvent 1 Jan13.8 Big Bang , as seen through cosmic background radiation 14 Jan13.1Oldest known Gamma  Ray Burst 22 Jan12.85 First galaxies form [ 16 Mar11 Milky Way Galaxy  formed 12 May8.8 Milky Way Galaxy disk formed 2 Sep4.57 formation of the Solar System 6 Sep4.4 Oldest rocks known on Earth Date in year calculated from formula T(days) = 365 days * 0.100/13.797 ( 1- T_Gya/13.797 )

Cosmic calendar

Cosmic Calendar A graphical view of the Cosmic Calendar, featuring the months of the year, days of December, and the final minute. The Cosmic Calendar is a method to visualize the  chronology of the universe , scaling its  current age  of 13.8 billion years to a single  year  in order to help intuit it for pedagogical purposes in  science education  or  popular science . In this visualization, the  Big Bang  took place at the beginning of January 1 at midnight, and the current moment maps onto the end of December 31 just before midnight.At this scale, there are 437.5 years per second, 1.575 million years per hour, and 37.8 million years per day. The concept was popularized by  Carl Sagan  in his book  The Dragons of Eden (1977) and on his television series  Cosmos . Sagan goes on to extend the comparison in terms of surface area, explaining that if the Cosmic Calendar is scaled to the size of a football field, then "all of human history would occupy an area the size of [his]

Cosmic calendar

Next chapter name is cosmic calendar this is a very interesting chapter

Cold Big Bang

Cold Big Bang is a designation used in  cosmology  to denote an  absolute zero temperature at the beginning of the Universe, instead of a (hot)  Big Bang . In an attempt to understand the origin of  atoms ,  Georges Lemaître  proposed (by 1927) that before the  expansion of the universe  started all the  matter  in the  universe , it formed a gigantic ball of nuclear liquid at  very low temperature . This low temperature was required to provide a sufficient  cohesion  within the  Lemaître 's primeval atom. In 1966,  David Layzer  proposed a variant on Lemaître's cosmology in which the initial  state  of the universe was near  absolute zero . Layzer argued that, rather than in an initial high  entropy  state, the  primordial universe was in a very low entropy state near absolute zero. The mainstream version of the Cold Big Bang model predicted an absence of  acoustic  peaks in the  cosmic microwave background  radiation and was eventually explicitly ruled out by  WMAP obs

New Chapter Started (Cold Big Bang)

Cold Big Bang is a small chapter but very interesting. This beautiful chapter will be start tomorrow.

Small chit chat 😁😁😎

Hello!! as u know I'm (Aman Kumar) your author of this beautiful book ((HOW THE LIFE BEGIN)) i love this book really not the reason of I'm the writer of this book but I also love space and all Universe if I have number to rate my love about space and Universe and earth i give full marks out of Dubble of my given marks like 100/50 that's my love about mother earth and Universe and space. Space is unimaginable place that human never imagine in his whole life. Why I call this blog a book the reason is I'm passionate about ((How The Life Begin )) I'm really curious to know (( How The Life Begin )) and i thou ght you too !! Curi ous to kno w aga in 😂((How The Life B egin)) I'm not ex actly know but I think I know so I put all the useful points that come to create Universe so i place in one place. So u tell me  mean ing of book place all imp ortant poin t to one place tha t's why i call this blog a Book. A very sad point is there are not too much viewer s too

Observed Universe

Evidence indicates  w  to be very close to −1 in our universe, which makes  w  the dominating term in the equation. The closer that  w  is to −1, the closer the denominator is to zero and the further the Big Rip is in the future. If  w  were exactly equal to −1, the Big Rip could not happen, regardless of the values of  H 0 or  Ω m . According to the latest cosmological data available, the uncertainties are still too large to discriminate among the three cases  w  < −1,  w  = −1, and  w  > −1. [3] [4]

Expansion of Big Rip

A universe dominated by phantom energy is an  accelerating universe , expanding at an ever-increasing rate. However, this implies that the size of the  observable universe  is continually shrinking; the distance to the edge of the observable universe which is moving away at the speed of light from any point moves ever closer. When the size of the observable universe becomes smaller than any particular structure, no interaction by any of the  fundamental forces  can occur between the most remote parts of the structure. When these interactions become impossible, the structure is "ripped apart". The model implies that after a finite time there will be a final singularity, called the "Big Rip", in which all distances diverge to infinite values. The authors of this hypothesis, led by  Robert R. Caldwell  of  Dartmouth College , calculate the time from the present to the end of the universe as we know it for this form of energy to be {\displaystyle t_{\mathrm {rip} }-t_

Author's Examples

In their paper, the authors consider a hypothetical example with w = −1.5, H 0  = 70 km/s/Mpc, and Ω m  = 0.3, in which case the Big Rip will happen approximately 22 billion years from the present. For w = −1.5, the  galaxies  would first be separated from each other. About 60 million years before the Big Rip, gravity would be too weak to hold the  Milky Way and other individual galaxies together. Galaxies would be destroyed as stars separate from the main black hole. Approximately three months before the Big Rip, the  Solar System  (or systems similar to our own at this time, as the fate of the Solar System 22 billion years in the future is questionable) would be gravitationally unbound. Planets would be detached from the star’s orbit. In the last minutes, stars and planets would be torn apart, and an extremely short amount of time before the Big Rip,  atoms  would be destroyed. At the time the Big Rip occurs, even spacetime itself will be ripped apart and the scale factor will be in

Overview of a Big Rip Theory

The hypothesis relies crucially on the type of  dark energy  in the  universe . The type that could cause this hypothesis is a constantly increasing form of dark energy. If the dark energy in the universe increases without limit, it could overcome all forces that hold the universe together. The key value [ why? ]  is the  equation of state  parameter  w , the  ratio  between the dark energy pressure and its  energy density . If  w  < −1, this dynamical vacuum energy is known as  phantom energy , an extreme [ how? ]  form of  quintessence .

First post in Big Rip Theory

Big Rip In  physical cosmology , the Big Rip is a  hypothetical   cosmological model concerning the  ultimate fate of the universe , in which the  matter  of the  universe , from stars and galaxies to atoms and subatomic particles, and even  spacetime  itself, is progressively torn apart by the  expansion of the universe  at a certain time in the future. According to the hypothesis, first published in 2003, the  scale factor  of the universe and with it all distances in the universe, which is known to be increasing, will be found to increase exponentially. If this were to happen, the model speculates that eventually in many billions of years' time the scale factor would become  infinitely  large, pulling even subatomic particles and the fabric of  spacetime  apart, and ending our universe. The possibility of sudden  singularities and crunch or rip singularities occur only for hypothetical matter with implausible physical properties.

New chapter started ((BIG RIP))

The turning point in big bang theory


1:-  There is no consensus about how long the Big Bang phase lasted. For some writers, this denotes only the initial singularity, for others the whole history of the universe. Usually, at least the first few minutes (during which helium is synthesized) are said to occur "during the Big Bang". 2 ^  Detailed information of and references for tests of general relativity are given in the article  tests of general relativity . 3 ^  It is commonly reported that Hoyle intended this to be pejorative. However, Hoyle later denied that, saying that it was just a striking image meant to emphasize the difference between the two theories for radio listeners. 4 ^  Strictly, dark energy in the form of a cosmological constant drives the universe towards a flat state; however, our universe remained close to flat for several billion years before the dark energy density became significant.

History of (BIG BOUNCE) theory

Big bounce models have a venerable history [ further explanation needed ]  and were endorsed on largely aesthetic grounds [ which? ] [ when? ]  by cosmologists including  Willem de Sitter ,  Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker ,  George McVittie  and  George Gamow  (who stressed that "from the physical point of view we must forget entirely about the precollapse period"). By the early 1980s, the advancing precision and scope of  observational cosmology  had revealed that the  large-scale structure  of the universe is  flat ,  homogenous  and  isotropic , a finding later accepted as the  Cosmological Principle  to apply at scales beyond roughly 300 million  light-years . It was recognized that it was necessary to  find an explanation  for how distant regions of the universe could have essentially identical properties without ever having been in light-like communication. A solution was proposed to be a period of exponential expansion of space in the early universe, as a basis for

Expansion And Contraction of (Big Bounce) Theory

Expansion and contraction The concept of the Big Bounce envisions the Big Bang as the beginning of a  period of expansion  that followed a period of contraction. In this view, one could talk of a  Big Crunch  followed by a Big Bang, or more simply, a Big Bounce. This suggests that we could be living at any point in an infinite sequence of universes, or conversely the current universe could be the very first iteration. However, if the condition of the interval phase "between bounces", considered the 'hypothesis of the primeval atom', is taken into full contingency such enumeration may be meaningless because that condition could represent a  singularity  in time at each instance, if such perpetual return was absolute and undifferentiated. The main idea behind the quantum theory of a Big Bounce is that, as density approaches infinity, the behavior of the  quantum foam  changes. All the so-called  fundamental physical constants , including the speed of light in a vacuu

Big Bounce

The Big Bounce is a hypothetical  cosmological model  for the origin of the known  universe . It was originally suggested as a phase of the  cyclic model  or oscillatory universeinterpretation of the  Big Bang , where the first cosmological event was the result of the collapse of a previous universe. It receded from serious consideration in the early 1980s after  inflation theory emerged as a solution to the  horizon problem , which had arisen from advances in observations revealing the  large-scale structure  of the universe. In the early 2000s, inflation was found by some theorists to be problematic and  unfalsifiable  in that its various parameters could be adjusted to fit any observations, so that the properties of the observable universe are a matter of chance. Alternative pictures including a Big Bounce may provide a  predictive  and falsifiable possible solution to the horizon problem, and are under active investigation as of 2017

New chapter started ((BIG BOUNCE)) chapter 2

Speculations In Big Bang

Main article:  Cosmogony While the Big Bang model is well established in cosmology, it is likely to be refined. The Big Bang theory, built upon the equations of classical general relativity, indicates a  singularity  at the origin of cosmic time; this  infinite   energy density  is regarded as impossible in  physics . Still, it is known that the equations are not applicable before the time when the universe cooled down to the  Planck temperature , and this conclusion depends on various assumptions, of which some could never be experimentally verified.  (Also see  Planck epoch .) One proposed refinement to avoid this would-be singularity is to develop a correct treatment of  quantum gravity . It is not known what could have preceded the hot dense state of the early universe or how and why it originated, though speculation abounds in the field of  cosmogony . Some proposals, each of which entails untested hypotheses, are: Models including the  Hartle–Hawking no-boundary condition ,

Misconceptions About Big Bang Model

The Big Bang as the origin of the universe:  One of the common misconceptions about the Big Bang model is the belief that it was the origin of the universe. However, the Big Bang model does not comment about how the universe came into being. Current conception of the Big Bang model assumes the existence of energy, time, and space, and does not comment about their origin or the cause of the dense and high temperature initial state of the universe. The Big Bang was "small" : It is misleading to visualize the Big Bang by comparing its size to everyday objects. When the size of the universe at Big Bang is described, it refers to the size of the observable universe, and not the entire universe. Hubble's law  violates the  special theory of relativity : Hubble's law predicts that galaxies that are beyond  Hubble Distance  recede  faster than the speed of light . However, special relativity does not apply beyond motion through space. Hubble's law describes velocity tha